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o·bliv·i·ous adj. Lacking all memory; forgetful. Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful.


Oblivious Art

Thursday, May 18, 2006

here is a much more flattering picture of david sedaris. please read his books.

bunko and grandma

i'm like tired. my mom just had this thing called bunko, which is basically an excuse fora bunch if middle aged ladies to get together, give each other gifts and drink wine. ha. and cackle. alot. god they laugh loudly. ug. i might have to go help my mom in a second. i just wanted to talk about the fact of my grandma who is slowly losing her mind. which is sad. cause i think that if you have to go crazy, it should come all of a sudden. not slowly and painfully, full of degradation and sorrow. becasue i think she knows she's losing it. thats the thing with alzhiemers. things drift away like a cloud. and she tries so hard. and she get frustrated and irratated at the whole world, becasue she knows she can't live on her own, but she would rather die than admit it. i love her alot. dn it hurts me to see her hurt. and i don't think my mom understands. she seems to treat her as a nuisance and stranger, sorting her medical affairs as if they were tax reports, sifting through her letters as if they were electric bills. oh well. i've got to go help my mom.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Yay! James Franco

i hate to be just, totally wierd, but is you think James Franco isn't hot, you must of had a lobotomy or something. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!
Oh My God!!! He's sooo cute. Ewww! I sound so...cliché-d . He's in this really sad movie, 'Tristan & Isolde', which would of been a really heart wreching movie, had me and my friends actually of been wtching it. And then he plays spidermans best friend turned evil/green goblin #2 in all the spiderman movies. he does this really hilarious/sad thing where his eyes fill up with tears and he looks either mad/sad. It's so funny. it's in every movie. like when in spiderman when dr. octapus o whatever drops spiderman off at his house, and he pulls out this dagger, and he's all like " let's see who's behind the mask" and it turns out to be peter, his eyes fill up with tears. I couldn't help it: I just started cracking up. Becasue i knew it was coming. And he does it like 1,000,000
times in tristan and isolde..lemme see if ican find a picture of him doing that...nope. none. oh well. see a movie, then you'll know what i mean. but he's still a really good actor. Seriously. Is this like stalker-ish? That i have a phot on my blog of him. 'Casue i definatly don't want to stalk him. I wonder how i would feel if someone out me on thier blog and dissected thier acting skills. Which i really didn't do..i just made fun of him. which is a little worse...uhhhh..okay i'm so leaving now...

i am a strong supporter of this man,
david sedaris. he is amodern humorist and is hilariously funny. seriously. like hilariously hilarious. at least in my view. he's really inteligent, openly gay, and bitingly funny. His stories can be a litle dark sometimes too. it's neat though, cause you feel like you know him and his family after you've read all his books like i have. yay for david!

moms day

yay. it's mothers day. i just made my mom breakfast in bed, and gave her flowers and a balloon and a cared and more flowers. i'd say mothers day is just about the most guilt ridden holiday besides christmas, wouldn't you?

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