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o·bliv·i·ous adj. Lacking all memory; forgetful. Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful.


Oblivious Art

Saturday, April 22, 2006

say no to war pic

heres one im working on. it's called say no to war. and yes, i know it's completly hideous. thank you.

Aqui esta un photo otra vez. Differente. (Wow. aren't you impressed with my spainish skills? I can hardly even speak english! I say 'like', like way too many times a day. Thats the down side of living in southern cali. Everyone you meet not from there thinks you're a beach idiot. ) OKay, I ws unsatisfied with these pictures, so i screwed around with them, made them bigger, smaller, etc. then i took the backround away...i still don't know which one i like the best. i think the closeup.

numba one

here is a glorious picture i made---took me friggin' forever! Egad! But i think it was worth it. is this the one with the lion spouting water or whatever? If it is, that water took me forever to like, get.

Friday, April 21, 2006

jimi hendrix...i have no reason to post this picture. I just like it. ha!
fight the power!


math is the most poopy subject in the entire world. I get all the material, but i just make stupid mistakes. which totally sucks, 'cause i soooo get the math. Gues what my GPA is.......a 2.5. Exciting, right. And I know i'm sooo much smarter then that! And i feel so stupid. But i don't, you know?


I just made this blog. Aaaaannd....nobody cares. I have to make it all special! Come back later, anyone who even comes.

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